My Prayer – A Man of Passion and Vision


Help me to be a man of passion and vision. Help me to be a man of action propelled forward by an insatiable command to love another. Help me to be a man not satisfied with the status quo – the way things were. I don’t want to sit on the sidelines, instead, help me to be a man of change to do good, to seek justice, love mercy, and to walk humbly with you, God. Not just “a” god, but “the” God, the “one and only” God who sits high and lifted up not that he can lord it over us, but that he can be seen of men, that they may know him, and that they may trust him.

You are for my good, you want my past, my future, but most of all my present. Why the present? It is in the present that I can be used. It is in the present that the world can be changed. It is in the present that you, God, choose to visit me. Show me my limitations and what I need to do to push past them.

Today is the day and now is the time. Yesterday may have affected me today. Tomorrow may be looming with uncertainty. Today is known and it is sure. Today is a gift of another day to submit to a holy God on account of the people and express his goodness.

I don’t want my Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or Foursquare to be the only platform I use. You might have Reddit, but I bet it didn’t change you quite like being in the presence of someone with passion, a story, and a choice set on course for the future.

How can someone hear without someone telling them? How did you hear it? What did it sound like; a man, or woman, with a sound in their heart and a passion in their belly to move them with compassion? They had a passion for people and the name of the Lord stamped on their heart as a seal.

My story may not look like someone else’s, but the result can be the same one of hope, joy, love, and acceptance. It doesn’t matter your race, creed, ethnicity, or background – God is for you not against you. I have a joy in my heart, a song on my lips, and a purpose set in motion by God. I don’t know when I will see it, but there it is guarded until the day the Lord says run.

At the moment that God says run I pray I will run headlong into the future guarded by his hand and encouraged by his word.

The Christian life is no fool’s errand. It is a choice not to give up things, but to gain life. The Christian life is not a take more than you give arrangement. It is not Sunday only. The real way to be successful is to make Christ first and everything else will follow. The Christian life is living a life on purpose. We did not get to where we are on accident. We were designed to glorify God and watch over his creation. Our purpose is to deliver a message of love for one another not necessarily in a pulpit, or a church, but on the streets, and in the market. It is a campaign to see lives changed and made new by the power of the Holy Spirit setting a heart back on track of what God originally intended.

People need change and who else to do it than me in my sphere of influence. There is only one me and I’m good at me. Help me to be what you have called me to be. Help me to have patience in waiting for my purpose.

Peace, love, and Christ because you know he died for you.

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